Essential System Administrator Commands in Ubuntu

Mastering the command line for efficient system administration

1. ls – List Directory Contents

The ls command is used to list the contents of a directory. Here are some example usages:

2. cd – Change Directory

The cd command is used to change the current working directory. Example usage:

3. pwd – Print Working Directory

The pwd command prints the current working directory. Example usage:

4. mkdir – Make Directory

The mkdir command is used to create directories. Example usage:

5. rm – Remove

The rm command is used to remove files and directories. Example usage:

6. cp – Copy

The cp command is used to copy files and directories. Example usage:

7. mv – Move

The mv command is used to move or rename files and directories. Example usage:

8. touch – Create Empty File

The touch command is used to create an empty file or update the timestamp of an existing file. Example usage:

9. cat – Concatenate and Display

The cat command is used to concatenate files and display their contents. Example usage:

10. nano – Text Editor

The nano command is a simple text editor used for editing files in the terminal. Example usage:

11. grep – Search

The grep command is used to search for patterns in text files. Example usage:

12. sudo – Superuser Do

The sudo command is used to execute commands with superuser privileges. Example usage:

13. apt-get – Package Manager

The apt-get command is used to manage packages on Ubuntu. Example usage:

14. dpkg – Package Manager

The dpkg command is used to install, remove, and manage individual packages. Example usage:

15. chmod – Change Mode

The chmod command is used to change the permissions of files and directories. Example usage:

16. chown – Change Owner

The chown command is used to change the owner of files and directories. Example usage:

17. tar – Tape Archive

The tar command is used to archive and extract files. Example usage:

18. uname – Print System Information

The uname command prints system information. Example usage:

19. date – Display Date and Time

The date command is used to display the current date and time. Example usage:

20. shutdown – Shutdown or Restart System

The shutdown command is used to shutdown or restart the system. Example usage:

21. ps – Process Status

The ps command is used to display information about active processes. Example usage:

22. top – Display System Activity

The top command is used to display real-time system activity. Example usage:

23. du – Disk Usage

The du command is used to display disk usage. Example usage:

24. df – Disk Free

The df command is used to display disk space usage. Example usage: